Italy Digital Nomad Visa 2023 Launch: Everything You Need to Know

Italy Digital Nomad Visa

Are you dreaming of living and working remotely in the stunning landscapes of Italy? Well, your dreams might just come true with the upcoming launch of the Italy Digital Nomad Visa. The Italian government has approved plans for this visa, and it is expected to be officially introduced in early 2023. In this article, we will provide you with all the essential details about the Italy Digital Nomad Visa, including the basic requirements, eligibility criteria, and alternatives for those who can’t wait for its launch.

Italy Digital Nomad Visa Overview

The Italy Digital Nomad Visa is specifically designed for highly skilled workers who wish to work remotely from Italy. While the exact definition of “highly skilled” is yet to be announced, it is expected to include individuals with specific qualifications, years of experience in their field, or those employed in certain professions.

Italy Digital Nomad Visa Requirements

Although the precise requirements for the Italy Digital Nomad Visa are yet to be confirmed, we can look at similar visas in Italy and other European countries to get an idea of what to expect. Here are some of the basic requirements you can anticipate:

  1. Non-EU, Non-EEA, and Non-Swiss Citizenship: The Italy Digital Nomad Visa is available for individuals who are not citizens of any European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland.
  2. Employment or Self-Employment Outside Italy: To be eligible for the visa, you must be employed or self-employed by a company based outside of Italy.
  3. Minimum Income Requirements: The exact minimum income requirements are yet to be announced. However, it is expected that you will need to meet certain financial criteria to demonstrate your ability to support yourself while living in Italy.
  4. Clean Criminal Record: Applicants for the Italy Digital Nomad Visa must provide a clean criminal record from their previous countries of long-term residence.
  5. Proof of Suitable Accommodation: You will need to provide evidence of suitable accommodation in Italy during your stay.
  6. Comprehensive Health Insurance: It is mandatory to have comprehensive health insurance that covers not only Italy but also the entire Schengen Zone.

Please note that these requirements are subject to change, and it is essential to stay updated with the latest information from the Italian government regarding the Italy Digital Nomad Visa.

Who Can Apply for the Italy Digital Nomad Visa?

So far, it appears that anyone who meets the basic requirements mentioned above can apply for the Italy Digital Nomad Visa. However, it is unclear whether the Italian government will impose any restrictions based on nationality or set a quota for the number of visa applications in a given year. We will have to wait for further announcements to clarify these details.

Can the Italy Digital Nomad Visa Lead to Citizenship?

The duration of most digital nomad visas ranges from six months to two years. If the digital nomad visa Italy is renewable beyond that initial period, it may provide a pathway to eventual citizenship. However, if the visa is not renewable, it may not serve as a valid route to Italian citizenship.

It is important to note that Italy has a 10-year residence requirement for citizenship, which makes it a less favorable option for those seeking long-term settlement and eventual citizenship. Other countries, such as Portugal, offer a shorter residence requirement of just five years for citizenship applications.

If your goal is to obtain Italian citizenship, you might want to consider the Italian Golden Visa instead. The Golden Visa program offers a five-year temporary residence permit in exchange for an investment starting from just €250,000, making it one of the most cost-effective options in Europe.

Alternatives to the Italy Digital Nomad Visa

While we eagerly await the official launch of the Italy Digital Nomad Visa, there are alternative options for those who cannot wait to move to Italy. Let’s explore two of these alternatives:

The Self-Employment Visa

Currently, the self-employment visa is the closest option to a digital nomad visa in Italy. This visa is available to highly skilled remote workers and freelancers who wish to relocate to Italy and work remotely from there.

To be eligible for the self-employment visa, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Non-EU, Non-EEA, and Non-Swiss Citizenship
  • Employment or Self-Employment by a Company Outside Italy
  • Minimum Income Requirement of at Least €8,500
  • Proof of Sufficient Funds to Support Yourself During Your Stay
  • Clean Criminal Record from Your Previous Countries of Long-Term Residence
  • Certificate of No Impediment Stating That You Can Provide Services in Italy
  • Proof of Suitable Accommodation in Italy
  • Comprehensive Health Insurance Coverage for Italy and the Schengen Zone

The self-employment visa offers various tax incentives, including a flat rate of 30% tax on individual self-employment income, which can be reduced to 10% if you become a resident in one of Italy’s southern regions. These tax incentives are valid for five years, with the possibility of extension if specific conditions are met, such as purchasing property.

The Golden Visa

Italy’s Golden Visa program provides a five-year temporary residence permit in exchange for an investment starting from just €250,000. You have several investment options, including funds, shares in Italian companies, donations to Italian charities or NGOs, or investment in Italian government bonds.

The Golden Visa also allows you to include your family members on your residence permit. After five years of temporary residence, you can apply for permanent residence, which, in turn, can lead to eligibility for Italian citizenship after a total of ten years of residence (five years temporary + five years permanent).

Here are the requirements for the Golden Visa:

  • Aged 18 or Over
  • Non-EU/EEA/Swiss Citizenship
  • Clean Criminal Record
  • Minimum Investment of €250,000 in Italy
  • Full Medical Insurance Coverage for Yourself and Dependents
  • Successful Due Diligence Check in Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering Regulations


The forthcoming launch of the Italy Digital Nomad Visa is an exciting development for remote workers seeking to experience the rich culture and beauty of Italy while working remotely. Although the official details are yet to be announced, we have provided a comprehensive overview of what to expect based on existing information.

If you cannot wait for the Italy Digital Nomad Visa, alternatives such as the self-employment visa and the golden visa offer viable options for living and working in Italy. Each option has its own set of requirements and benefits, so be sure to explore them thoroughly before making your decision.

Remember, Italy’s 10-year residence requirement for citizenship makes it less attractive for those seeking long-term settlement and eventual citizenship. If citizenship is your ultimate goal, countries like Portugal may offer more favorable pathways with shorter residence requirements.

Stay tuned for further updates on the Italy Digital Nomad Visa and make sure to consult official sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Italy awaits you as a digital nomad, and this new visa may be your ticket to the Italian adventure you’ve been dreaming of!

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